What is ReproFro 2025?

In the past two decades, breakthroughs in genomics and stem cell engineering have laid the groundwork for a revolution in reproductive technology. In the next decade, we expect to see the creation of technology that will empower all parents to have children who are related to them genetically, and who enjoy a solid genomic foundation to become healthy, long-lived, happy, and capable humans.

ReproFro will gather the creators of this technology. We'll spend three days together in our elegant venue, discussing recent advances, questions, and plans for the future.

Until now, discourse about the life-changing possibilities of frontier reproductive technology has been scattered and unfocused. This first annual summit will give innovation-positive stakeholders a much needed chance to meet each other in a friendly environment and think through both perils and promise.

Who will be there?
What will happen at the summit?

ReproFro 2025 will use a hybrid conference format. There will be several invited talks, and participants will organize talks and sessions during the event.

We're especially excited for many organically occurring, thought-evoking conversations!


The summit will be held in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Activities will be held all day June 10, 11, and 12. Invitees will receive information on tickets and rooming. Catered food will be provided at the venue.

Tickets will cost $200. The price will be waived for invitees for whom it would be material impediment to participation.

Inquiries can be sent to the gmail address with user name: berkeleygenomicsproject